Saturday, August 28, 2010

FAQ: How did we wind up on the streets?

The answers are many, yet the question itself does not affect our Homeless Portfolios.

Mental illness is very, very common among the homeless.  A 1996 study found that 57% of the homeless were self-diagnosed as mentally ill.  More than 60% say they have a history of alcohol and/or drug abuse.  These numbers seem high, but since the homeless have no reason to lie in surveys it's doubtlessly pretty accurate.  Our observations confirm this.

Continuity of mental health care for the destitute is lacking across the country.  Some states have halved their programs, and the insane cost of most psychiatric drugs has left many of the mentally ill homeless without the medications they need to be healthy and safe. 

That's not at all good for America.  The lack of needed meds will result in increased crime, and the blight of increased numbers of homeless people on the streets.  Job growth can help, but most folks compiling their Homeless Portfolios aren't yet able to work.  For the mentally ill, they may never be able to work again. 

Non-psychiatric medical bills have led to bankruptcy and homelessness for many.  The unemployment rate is huge, leaving many more Americans losing the ability to pay rent. 

We'll discuss psychiatric care options later in our journey.  Alcohol and drug abuse will discussed as well. 

Don't doubt the enormity of the homelessness crisis.  The federal Housing and Urban Development department estimated that 1 in 190 Americans stayed in shelters during a one year period between 2007 and 2008.  ONE IN 190!  For those who became homeless during that one year period, tens of thousands of them were seeking refuge for the first time.

Homelessness is scary, especially if you have kids.   You're more likely to be robbed or assaulted because you are going to be surrounded by lots of criminals, including sex offenders.  You'll be spending time with people whom you would otherwise find revolting.  You're going to have to put your personal prejudices aside to survive.

There is a lasting psychiatric effect from being homeless.  Here at The Homeless Portfolio we went from donating supplies to our local soup kitchen to eating there every day. 

There are also people who prefer sleeping outdoors.  Sounds odd, but it's true.  Sleeping out gives some of the homeless a sense of freedom, which is in short supply in a mission or shelter.

So, how did we wind up on the streets?

Answer: it makes no difference.

Every person born has done bad things.  Sometimes terrible things.  A lot of us assume that our dire straits are just a manifestation of karma; we're suffering now for our past sins.  In truth, for many of the homeless their choice to commit crimes landed them in a shelter or mission.

Regardless of why you're on the streets, you must accept that:

Maybe you've abandoned your wife and kids, and you're racked with guilt.  You've done a terrible thing, yet it's going to benefit no one for you to just accept a life of permanent homelessness.  If you've victimized someone, that victim doesn't benefit from you living in a park today.  No matter how bad you think you are, you must focus on making your life right.

The Homeless Portfolio aims to teach you just how to do that.

Ignore the question of why you wound up homeless.  Focus on being a better person and improving your life.  IT CAN BE DONE!  The Homeless Portfolio is proof.

2010 ToddCo Investment Services All Rights Reserved

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Coming up this weekend!

This weekend we begin interspersing our portfolio recommendations with FAQ's about surviving and surpassing homelessness.  Saturday: Why Are We Homeless, Anyway?  The answer will surprise you.

You can contact The Homeless Portfolio anytime at

Saturday, August 21, 2010

From Skid Row to Wall Street

If you're reading this, you're wearing clothing.

I can't imagine you're naked in a public library.

We'll start from that assumption and together we'll build the Homeless Portfolio you need to improve your life.  Security is what we're after.  You need money to get off and stay off the street.  We'll be starting from the very beginning, and we'll describe for you the ways you can go from sleeping bag to nest egg.

Why a portfolio?  There are THINGS that you will need to have, things both tangible and generally supportive.  Keep in mind that, for the most part, we'll be concerned more with the quality of your life than with accumulating THINGS.  Our goal is reasonable comfort and peace of mind...the same thing most of us pray for in our old age.  At each stage we'll record the items in your Homeless Portfolio as ASSETS, and make projections on when the next steps should become possible.  Your Homeless Portfolio allows you to count what you have, and learn how you can take the next steps on your way toward independence.  One thing leads to another. 

You CAN get off the streets...but you've got to dedicate yourself to getting up off the floor and standing tall.  Once you get back on your feet, we'll teach you successful, conservative and safe ways to turn your nest egg into a stream of steady income.  You can make your money work for you. 

Most importantly, you must be patient.  If you're homeless right now, you're not going to be moving into your own apartment this year.  Being homeless is absolutely fucking awful, but it's not nearly as bad as you might think.  Try to keep a positive attitude...without you probably won't make it.

And, yup, we're going to take you all the way off of the streets to stock ownership.  IT CAN BE DONE.

Remember, our watch word is PATIENCE.

We won't be endorsing specific investments.  Don't worry, we've got a long way to go before we start talking money management.

So, we've established that you own at least a shirt and a pair of pants.  That's a start!  Now we're going to look at the next assets you must add to your Homeless Portfolio: sources of Food and Water.

More to come...

2010 ToddCo Investment Services All Rights Reserved